Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Maps – In a video covering everything known about cod 2022 so far, henderson said that these maps have been taken from the scrapped modern warfare 2 remastered, of which only the campaign released. However, leaks for the new call of duty game continue to surface, and the latest rumor suggests a map editor is coming to modern warfare 2. Here are maps we'd love to see remastered for the new call of duty. Specifically, the maps afghan, highrise, quarry, and terminal were mentioned for the game.
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Maps
Call Of Duty®: Modern Warfare® And Warzone™ Season Six Multiplayer Map Preview from
Cargo (modern warfare) cheshire park crash (map) d docks (modern warfare) drainage e euphrates bridge g grazna raid gulag showers gun runner h hackney yard hardhat hill (modern warfare) hovec sawmill k karst river quarry khandor hideout killhouse (call of duty 4) king (map) krovnik farmland l livestock m mialstor tank factory p petrov oil rig Great for any number of players.
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Maps 8 Best Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Maps
Modern warfare 74 just added vanguard alps high on top of a large snowy mountain is a large area that’s fit for arms race, grab your squad and capture all locations on the largest map on call of duty vanguard.
Always come back for more great stuff
Some of modern warfare 2's multiplayer modes were also revealed to us, including call of duty's staple modes of team deathmatch and domination.
Blockbuster campaign, multiplayer, and zombies.
However, leaks for the new call of duty game continue to surface, and the latest rumor suggests a map editor is coming to modern warfare 2.